Our Sponsors & Partnerships

OCEAP is a not for profit corporation charity which relies upon our Partners, Sponsors and our local community to allow us to continue to serve.  All of our members are volunteers and we have no paid staff.  All donations go directly to our operating requirements (insurance, equipment, supplies).

You can donate to us through Canada Helps. TAX RECEIPTS ISSUED FOR DONATIONS OVER $25.00

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!


Are you interested in sponsoring OCEAP?  We are always looking for support from individuals, companies or corporations who believe in our goals and mission. A one time donation or ongoing regular donations are all very much needed and appreciated.  See our contact information under the Contact Us page.  We look forward to speaking with you.

Special Thanks for all of the support we receive from 

our Emergency Services partners:

Special Partnerships

Safe Communities Northumberland County Logo

