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May 1st – AGM and Awards Night

May 1st was First Responders Day in Ontario. It was a great evening to recognize our volunteers and the countless hours they dedicate to our Community. We reflected on the 2023 year and we rolled out a number of administrative and uniform changes for 2024. Thanks to all for your service!

April 20th – New Recruit Class and Night Training

OCEAP welcomed nine new members at our New Recruit class held at the Port Hope Police Community Room on Saturday. The members underwent their Basic Training which includes a classroom session to understand the key elements of SAR. This is followed by an introduction to the field skills.

Night training is fundamental to the OCEAP SAR operations. Our members undergo two night training events each year to ensure that they are capable of meeting the unique challenges of night operations.

March Field Training

In field training keeps our member’s skills sharp! Well done to all.

January Classroom Training

OCEAP held an indoor classroom training day for our members. Our thanks to the SJA Therapy Dog program, the Alzheimer’s Society and the Port Hope Police for presenting. Also our thanks to two of our dedicated members who shared their knowledge and expertise with the Team. Well done!

Nov/Dec 2023

November Training Day

Another great training day at the Jubalee Park in Grafton. Our thanks to the owners of the Park for once again allowing our members to practice door to door search training in a real neighborhood environment. The weather cooperated this year and our members provided great feedback to the training team.

Port Hope Candlelight Walk

OCEAP members supported Port Hope in their Candlelight Walk event and Tree Lighting. This event was well attended by the public and our members were glad to help with public safety.

Port Hope Santa Claus Parade

Once again this year, OCEAP members assisted with road closures in cooperation with the Port Hope Police Service. The OCEAP Command Post CP-02 was also included in the Parade as well.

Cobourg Santa Claus Parade

For the second year in a row, OCEAP members proudly participated in the Parade. A great time was had by our members. Well done!

Year End Wrap-up

Another GREAT year for OCEAP! A huge THANK YOU to all of our members for their dedication and support of the Team as well as our community.

OCEAP had 39 active members in 2023 and provided over 2,000 hours of service to the Community. OCEAP members remain ON CALL 7/24/365 and look forward to a Safe and Prosperous 2024. Happy New Year.

Fall 2023

New Printer / Scanners for the OCEAP Command Post! Thanks to a Community Fund Grant from the Town of Cobourg, OCEAP was able to replace some of the IT equipment maintained in our Command Posts. These new printer / scanners will enable OCEAP to copy paperwork, print out forms or in the case of a missing person, print out pictures of the individual.

Medic Packs for Search Crews. Thanks to a Community Fund Grant from Port Hope, OCEAP was able to create Search & Rescue Medic kits. These medical kits were built with the help of our great Team Medics and include supplies such as bandages, oxygen monitors, BVM kits and neck collars. Our SAR Team Medics will carry these kits while on search and be better prepared to help a missing person located in the field.

FALL Training Days. OCEAP held training in September and October in the ravine area of Port Hope. Septembers training was held at night to assist our crews in being prepared for night search operations. We were joined by Respond Search & Rescue (RSAR), our mutual aid partner. The October training was held during the day and focused on navigation and medical evacuation.

Summer 2023

The summer always seems to fly by. OCEAP had one Call Out and a number of events and training through these months. We also had a Family Potluck and BBQ for our members and their families.

Missing Person Call – Port Hope (June 3rd). OCEAP was deployed for a missing person call at 5:47pm. The subject’s location was confirmed at approximately 11:00pm and was safe. The Team stood down at approximately 11:30pm.

June – Cobourg Highland Games; Once again this year, OCEAP was proud to work with the Cobourg Highland Games Committee to provide support to this great annual event. Our members always have a great time and it is a great fund raiser for our Team.

Port Hope events – including the Highway for Heros ride (June 3rd), the Canada Day parade (July 1st) and the Port Hope Fall Fair.

May 13th – OCEAP Activities

A number of OCEAP members participated in the Cameco StepUp for Mental Health 5K run supporting local mental health initiatives.

Port Hope Police Bike Rodeo

OCEAP members attended the PHPS Bike Rodeo in Port Hope as a kick off to Police Week.

May 6th

Special training day for new Route Support and Crew Leaders. A morning of classroom training followed by an afternoon of field work practice. Great to have members stepping into new roles – Well done.

April 22 Field Training Day

A group of experienced members were training on Saturday. All of the members are in the queue towards Route Support or Crew Leader certification. The training day focused on the core skills required in these roles and gave each team member a chance to put these skills into practice. Well done.

Saturday also was our Spring new recruit class. Eight new volunteers attended the classroom and field training in preparation to become a Search Team member with OCEAP. We welcome these new volunteers and thank them for donating their time and skills to a safer and more prepared Community.

January 2023

January 6th – A number of OCEAP members attended a joint training exercise with our Mutual Aid partner, Respond Search and Rescue in Peel. The training day consisted of classroom training followed by a field work component. Great work!

Logistics coordination Exercise – Respond SAR

January 1

Year in Review for 2022. Job well done by all on the Team.

Cobourg Santa Claus Parade

OCEAP members participated in the Cobourg Santa Claus parade this year. Following the command post through the parade route, members got into character with the theme song Grandma got run over by a Reindeer. OCEAP members were quick to rush to Grandma’s assistance and keep the parade moving. A great thanks to all of our volunteers who helped plan and execute the event. Well done.

Thanks to Grandma and the runaway Reindeer!
Great help decorating the Command Post for the festivities.